A good credit score can vary by the scoring system being used, the criteria of the lender applying it, and the particular version of the scoring model that the lender uses. Overall, when you see a score in
Modular construction is not a new concept. The first documented prefabricated home was the Manning Portable Cottage built in the 1830’s by a carpenter in London. Fast forward to the present day. Disruption in construction by the off-site modular
On average, your home’s appliances which include: clothes washers, dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, air purifiers, etc., account for 20 percent of your home’s total electric bill. But all appliances aren’t created equal, some appliances use more energy than others.
If you can afford a new home, then you can afford a zero energy ready home. There are simple, low cost, steps you can take to significantly reduce your energy use on the path to zero net energy use.
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
– Chinese Proverb
This is a great quote because… everyone wishes they started something earlier. I wish I had started exercising
Lemmings are small rodents that have been known to follow each other as they charge to their deaths off the edge of cliffs. This is actually an unsubstantiated myth about Lemmings, but they’ve become a metaphor for people who
You see it on the news and hear about it on the weather reports. Rain, rain, rain. It seems like we have felt its impacts more than ever over the last 18 months. When building a new home, the
Every home has a need for more space. Whether you are building a small cabin, a large estate home, or something in-between, we all yearn for ways to maximize space to make our homes feel spacious and welcoming. Today, people often build larger
Off-site construction is in the news! For residential construction, you may hear terms like modular, prefabricated, panelized, ICF’s, etc. The need to find a better way to build is being driven by severe labor shortages in
When it comes to building a custom home, the fun part is choosing the building site, designing the home, and selecting colors. What most home buyers don’t think about is how the construction of